
Are You Stressed? Try Exercise!

Stressed, Try Exercise?
I had a busy morning at work. There were things to get done, people kept walking in my office unannounced, the phone kept ringing, and problems were everywhere. Typically, I would work through lunch, gaining an extra hour of work to “get things done”. But on this particular day my new walking buddy stopped by and asked if I was ready to go exercise. I almost said no, but then I felt a little guilty so I caved. Well, I motored down the street as soon as I got outside, all the adrenaline was bursting at the seams wanting out. Eventually, I slowed to a steady pace and my partner started chatting. I listened, took a few deep lazy breaths, and then went back to my desk. I felt happier, refreshed! The to-do pile didn’t look so massive anymore. Priorities became clearer, and everything that needed to get done got done by days end. There are lots of articles these days surrounding exercise as being a benefactor to more than weight control. It impacts efficiency at work, mental health, and sleep patterns to name a few. The exercise doesn’t have to be intense, vigorous, or at some fancy gym. Check out some other benefits of regular physical activity.
Ideas for Easy Exercise
  • 10 minutes of stretches when you first wake up in the morning
  • A walk at lunch with a co-worker
  • An exercise class at the local community center
  • 30 minutes of weights in your basement while watching your favorite show or sport
Do you have kids? It’s even easier!
  • Raining outside? Have a dance party in your kitchen.
  • Waiting for supper? Play Simon Says yoga style in the family room.
  • Got some time to kill? Keep a Frisbee or football by the back door and get outside for a minute.
The point is, it works, but it takes effort to start. An accountability buddy is always good (as in the example above); but, the benefits far outweigh the effort. Why not start today?