Professional Liability Insurance Coverages
Unfortunately, passion, commitment, training, and experience cannot prevent human error. As an entrepreneur, a single liability claim could put you out of business. Professional liability insurance protects you against loss or blame if an error is made in your line of work. This protects you and your business, in terms of financial loss due to covering your legal fees.
Professional insurance covers the cost of legal action should you be sued due to an error during business protocols. Businesses without professional indemnity insurance face lost time and money recuperating from legal battles and expenses.
As a leader in the Canadian insurance industry, Cluett understands the risks of not covering yourself as a professional. Your professional liability insurance includes protection from potential cases of:
- Inaccurate information or advisory
- Negligent behaviour
- Misstatement or falsification
We work closely with clients across numerous industries to provide the most well-rounded and affordable professional liability insurance quotes in Canada.
Do You Need Professional Liability Insurance?
Anybody working in a profession offering advice or a unique service should invest in professional indemnity insurance. This is separate from the liability coverage included in your business insurance.
Professional liability insurance protects your business from mistakes that may hold you or your business accountable for financial loss, including those due to:
If you provide financial advice to a customer, and errors in your advice cause your customer to suffer a great financial loss, your professional liability insurance protects you from financial harm.
If you are a health and wellness practitioner and offer treatment to a client, overlooking a prior allergy to that treatment, your professional indemnity insurance protects you against negligence claims.
Sometimes the services provided to clients make or break an event business arrangement. If you offer wedding photography and your photos don’t turn out due to a camera malfunction, your clients may sue for the loss of an irreplaceable service. Professional insurance protects you in this instance.
How Does Professional Liability Insurance Work?
When you receive a professional liability insurance quote, it may include a base and extended coverage option. Depending on which industry you work for, your company’s size, income, and potential risks in your job category, your quote will vary.
If you work in any job which requires you to provide a personal service, advice, or care to a client or patient, professional indemnity insurance is beneficial. While useful across a broad spectrum of job types, professional insurance is especially helpful in industries like:
- Healthcare
- Construction
- Design/Engineers
- Project Management
- Finance/Accountants
- IT Technology Services
Professional insurance policies are unique in that they cover the period during which a claim is filed. The policy should specify a retroactive and extended timeframe from this claim period. This means that if a loss occurs during your retroactive claim timeframe, you can still report the claim up until your extended timeframe ends.
If you are interested in learning more about professional insurance, or are curious if your job requires professional insurance, Cluett Insurance can help. We invite you to call us at (902) 466-5328 and speak with one of our experienced professional insurance brokers today.